Lynn Shell, PhD, RN, MSN, APN-C
Advance Practice Nurse
Lynn joined the Corner House staff in 2000 as a Certified Prevention Specialist, co-leading TAG (Teen Advisory Group) and developing GAIA, (Growing up Accepted as an Individual in America), a group dedicated to social justice. Eight years later, she left prevention but stayed at Corner House in the role of board certified Addictions and Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, providing psychiatric services to Corner House clients, including evaluations and medication management. Lynn earned a B.S. from Duke University, M.S.N. from the University of Pennsylvania and a Ph.D. from the University of Utah. In February 2016, Lynn completed a 2-year fellowship in Integrated Medicine at the University of Arizona, giving her the tools to incorporate both alternative and traditional treatment options to our clients. Using the concepts of Jean Watson’s, “Theory of Human Caring,” Lynn takes a holistic approach in her care of patients and welcomes the collaboration between herself, the client, and other treating professionals.